We will soon add a new field to the extensions API; mobile.
The mobile field will contain the mobile number of the extension.

Methods for retrieving user call history.

GET https://api.telavox.se/calls

Retrieves a list of your last incoming, outgoing and missed calls. You will receive the last 30 calls, limited to the last 4 months.


fromDate QueryParam, Start of date interval to fetch call history for in YYYY-MM-DD format
optional Will be set to 4 months before todays date if omitted
toDate QueryParam, End of date interval to fetch call history for in YYYY-MM-DD format
optional Will be set to current date if omitted
withRecordings QueryParam, Used to indicate if ids to recordings should be included or not. The id is then used to get audio recording with /recordings/id.
optional Will be set to false if omitted


{"incoming":[{"datetime":"2013-10-04 08:46:44","datetimeISO":"2013-10-04T08:46:44.123+0100","duration":29,"number":"081234567","recordingId":"1231dsa-1f21-2av-120x-c2gee1234x1b"},{"datetime":"2013-10-03 18:43:13","datetimeISO":"2013-10-03T18:43:13.123+0100","duration":33,"number":"081234387","recordingId":"0"}],"outgoing":[{"datetime":"2013-10-04 16:24:12","datetimeISO":"2013-10-04T16:24:12.123+0100","duration":86,"number":"081236567","recordingId":"2231dsa-1f21-2av-120x-c2gee1234x1b"},{"datetime":"2013-10-03 20:45:17","datetimeISO":"2013-10-03T20:45:17.254+0100","duration":0,"number":"081272967","recordingId":"3231dsa-1f21-2av-120x-c2gee1234x1b"}],"missed":[{"datetime":"2013-10-03 18:48:06","datetimeISO":"2013-10-03T18:48:06.847+0100","duration":0,"number":"081153564","recordingId":"4231dsa-1f21-2av-120x-c2gee1234x1b"}, {"datetime":"2013-10-01 22:51:43","datetimeISO":"2013-10-01T22:51:43.014+0100","duration":0,"number":"unknown","recordingId":"0"}]}
Toggle response description
Field Description
incoming An array of the user's incoming calls.
duration The duration in seconds the call was connected. Zero for missed calls.
number The remote number of the call.
datetime The date of the call in the following format: "2010-03-10 12:19:46".
datetimeISO The date of the call in the following format: "2010-03-10T12:19:46.123+0100" with timezone.
recordingId A unique id identifying a recording of a call. Omitted if no recording exists, or if withRecordings=false.
outgoing An array of the user's outgoing calls.
duration The duration in seconds the call was connected. Zero for missed calls.
number The remote number of the call.
datetime The date of the call in the following format: "2010-03-10 12:19:46".
datetimeISO The date of the call in the following format: "2010-03-10T12:19:46.123+0100" with timezone.
recordingId A unique id identifying a recording of a call. Omitted if no recording exists, or if withRecordings=false.
missed An array of the user's missed calls.
duration The duration in seconds the call was connected. Zero for missed calls.
number The remote number of the call.
datetime The date of the call in the following format: "2010-03-10 12:19:46".
datetimeISO The date of the call in the following format: "2010-03-10T12:19:46.123+0100" with timezone.
recordingId A unique id identifying a recording of a call. Omitted if no recording exists, or if withRecordings=false.


This request will give the calls of the logged in user.